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JPG Monogram Collection


The JPG Monogram Collection...

Fab. Sexy. Redefined. 

This collection is designer, Janet Gregg's, take on the classic monogram.

Cast in Janet's "signature" handwriting, these custom pendants, cufflinks, belt buckles & bracelets are a unique way to be traditionally chic! 


All "Signature" items are custom orders. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. (After all, they're made especially for you!) 


Shown in gold. $350

Signature Pendant

The epitome of modern chic, these custom cutout pendants are divine!

Toss them on a charm bracelet. Wear as a necklace. Accessorize your favorite clutch!

The possibilities are endless. 

Available in 3-initials. Gold or Brass. 

Shown in brass. $275

Shown in brass. $275

Shiny Finish: Large: $250 Medium: $195 Small: $165

Shiny Finish: Large: $250 Medium: $195 Small: $165

A modern day heirloom. The perfect gift.

Three sizes. Three initials. 

Matte FInish: Large: $250 Medium: $195 Small: $165

Matte FInish: Large: $250 Medium: $195 Small: $165

Cast Pendants


Cast Initials


Belt Buckles

Janet’s custom monogram pieces are modern day heirlooms! The perfect gift for bridesmaids, graduates or anyone you want to dazzle!