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Art Installations


Janet Gregg is an artist at heart of all that she creates. 

With a special knack for filling spaces in vibrant color and energy, there is perhaps no other place where Janet's creativity shows through as it does in her custom art installations.

Whether it's creating a custom wall based around a particular color palette or if it's repurposing art you already own in such a way that it transforms your walls into a gallery fit for an opening, Janet can make it brilliant!

Please e-mail her today for a consultation for your interior and/or collection.   

The Artist, Janet Porcher Gregg in Charleston, South Carolina. Please contact Lauren Kelley to inquire about Janet's availability.Janet only takes on a precious few installations per year.See a showcase of her work in May 2017 as she takes over…

The Artist, Janet Porcher Gregg in Charleston, South Carolina. 

Please contact Lauren Kelley to inquire about Janet's availability.

Janet only takes on a precious few installations per year.

See a showcase of her work in May 2017 as she takes over the Atelier of Fritz Porter. Located in the historic Cigar Factory in Charleston, SC.